Covid-19 has changed the way we live and work especially when it comes to seeking medical help or working in the medical profession.

Long-term effects of COVID-19
During the pandemic I worked on the front line at Imperial College’s St Mary’s Hospital. We ran a respiratory failure high dependency unit and looked after hundreds of patients with COVID-19. Now we are involved in the follow up and long term care of these patients. A lot is still not known about the disease, but we are getting more and more knowledgeable about how this virus can affect the body both acutely and in the long term.
If you think you have had COVID-19 and are worried about your ongoing symptoms I can help to hopefully reassure you and exclude or deal with any serious complications or longstanding effects. These can include pulmonary embolus (clots in the lungs) and lung fibrosis (scarring).
I use a careful and systematic approach to assessment that allows me to then recommend appropriate rehabilitation.
Remote consultation
Since the COVID-19 pandemic I am now able to offer remote consultations by phone or video call where appropriate. If you need to come into the hospital / clinic for tests or to see me I want to reassure you that we are taking precautions to make sure our patients are safe. These include a reduced number of slots for investigations to ensure ability to socially distance and allowing time for enhanced cleaning, face masks, increased hand hygiene facilities, and increased remote counselling, as well as regular staff swabbing.
If you’re concerned about Long-COVID symptoms and effects I am here to help..
To book an appointment or to get in touch please email or telephone 0208 004 6662.